Si necesitas renovar tu carnet de conducir en Italia, necesitas hacer primero un trámite llamado conversión, obligatorio para quienes residen en el país transalpino desde hace más de un año.
If you need to renew your driving license in Italay, you should first make what is called the conversion, compulsory for foreigners living in the national territory since one year.
Los titulares de un permiso de conducción expedido por un extranjero (no UE) podrá conducir vehículos en el territorio italiano para que su licencia es válida siempre y cuando no sean residentes en Italia desde hace más de un año.
La licencia de extranjeros (no UE) deberá ir acompañada por el Permiso Internacional de Conducir (expedido por el Estado extranjero que haya expedido la licencia) o de una traducción oficial en italiano.
Después de un año de la adquisición de la residencia en Italia, los titulares de permisos de conducción fuera de la UE ya no tienen derecho a conducir vehículos en el territorio italiano.
Se puede convertir el carnet en uno italiano si no se ha expedido por un Estado que figuran en la lista de abajo.
Los titulares de un permiso de conducción expedido por el país de la UE pueden conducir vehículos en el territorio italiano para que su licencia es válida, sin necesidad de conversión antes de un año después de la adquisición de la residencia en Italia.
Para las licencias concedidas por los Estados de la Unión Europea es aconsejable pedir una alternativa, la conversión o el reconocimiento de validez (por ejemplo, para simplificar los procedimientos de renovación o duplicado de la licencia).
La conversión consiste en la emisión de una nueva licencia para el corresponsal extranjero italiano.
El premio consiste en emitir un cupón que se aplicarán en licencia extranjera.
La conversión sólo es posible para las siguientes licencias emitidas por gobiernos extranjeros, con los que la Italia ha establecido relaciones de reciprocidad (al 01/09/2006):
Argelia, Argentina, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Croacia, Chipre, Dinamarca, Filipinas, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Japón, Gran Bretaña, Grecia, Irlanda, Islandia, Letonia, Líbano, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Macedonia, Malta, Marruecos, Moldavia, Noruega, Países Bajos, Polonia, Mónaco, Portugal, República Checa, República de Corea (Corea del Sur), República Eslovaca, Rumanía, San Marino, Eslovenia, España, Sri Lanka, Suecia, Suiza, Taiwán, Túnez, Turquía, Hungría.
CONVERSIÓN permitiendo sólo a determinadas categorías de ciudadanos
Canadá (personal diplomático y consular)
Chile (personal diplomático y sus familias)
Estados Unidos (personal diplomático y sus familias)
Zambia (los ciudadanos en la misión del gobierno y sus familias)
Oficinas del Departamento de Transporte Terrestre del Ministerio de Infraestructura y Transporte
Compilar * TT modelo 2112 (que está disponible en las Oficinas)
Prueba de pago de € 29.24 en la c / c 4028
Prueba de pago de € 9.00 a las c / c 9001
permiso de conducir extranjero (en vista)
2 fotografías recientes tamaño pasaporte en fondo blanco y con la cabeza descubierta, el papel no térmico
Certificado médico o el impuesto de timbre (y fotocopia), con una fotografía, cuya fecha no anterior a 6 meses, expedido por un médico en el artículo 0.119 del Código de circulación
Si el certificado médico no tiene la foto, y la solicitud no se hace por el interesado, debe ir acompañada de una foto autentica. Si se trata de la persona en cuestión para presentar la solicitud, se procederá a la autenticación de la foto directamente
o Para los ciudadanos no comunitarios:
permiso de residencia o permiso de residencia válido
o Para los ciudadanos de la UE:
permiso de residencia, exigida en el artículo 2 de la DPR n.54/02
o licencia expedida por el tercer país de la UE:
documento con el sello de una traducción de la licencia extranjera. La conformidad de la traducción al texto extranjero deberá ser legalizado por la Representación en Italia de que el Estado que haya expedido la licencia. Este certificado debe ser validado por la Prefectura
o Si la solicitud no es presentada por su interés:
Delegación en papel normal de la persona que realiza la solicitud
Una fotocopia de un documento de identificación de su interés
Oficinas del Departamento de Transporte Terrestre del Ministerio de Infraestructura y Transporte
* Rellenar en 746 oficinas de distribución Modelo TT
* Auto-certificación en papel normal indicando su domicilio social en Italia
* Recibo de pago de € 14.62 en la c / c 4028
* Recibo de pago de € 9.00 a las c / c 9001
carnet de conducir (en vista)
* Si, de acuerdo con la legislación italiana, la licencia ha caducado, es necesario reconocer un certificado médico con el impuesto de timbre (y fotocopia), con una fotografía, cuya fecha no anterior a 6 meses, expedido por un médico en el art. 119 del Código de Circulación.
Si el certificado médico no tiene la foto, y la solicitud no se hace por el interesado, debe ir acompañada de una foto autentica. Si se trata de la persona en cuestión para presentar la solicitud, se procederá a la autenticación de la foto directamente desde la puerta
* Para los ciudadanos no comunitarios en posesión de los permisos expedidos por los Estados de la Unión Europea:
permiso de residencia o permiso de residencia válido.
* Si la solicitud no es presentada por su interés:
Delegación o en papel normal para la persona que realiza la solicitud
o fotocopia de un documento de identificación de su interés
* Snm (Sección médico-legal) jurisdicción territorial
* Los servicios básicos del sector sanitario de
* Ministerio de Salud
* Ferrocarriles del Estado
* Militar en S.p.E.
* Policía del Estado
* Consejo Nacional VV.FF.
* Ministerio de Trabajo y Política Social
Holders of a license issued by the EU country can drive in Italy for your license is valid, without conversion within one year after the acquisition of residence in Italy.
For licenses issued by States of the European Union is advisable to seek an alternative, the conversion or recognition of validity (for example, to simplify the procedures for renewal or duplicate license.)
The conversion is issuing a new license to the Italian foreign correspondent.
The award is to issue a coupon to be applied on foreign license.
The conversion is only possible for the following licenses issued by foreign governments, with which Italy has established reciprocal relationships (at 01/09/2006):
Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Philippines, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta , Morocco, Moldova, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Monaco, Portugal, Czech Republic, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Slovak Republic, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia , Turkey, Hungary.
CONVERSION allowing only certain categories of citizens
Canada (diplomatic and consular staff)
Chile (diplomatic personnel and their families)
United States (diplomatic personnel and their families)
Zambia (citizens in government mission and their families)
Offices of the Land Transport Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation
Compile * TT model 2112 (which is available at the Offices)
Proof of payment of € 29.24 in the c / c 4028
Proof of payment of € 9.00 to c / c 9001
foreign driving license (given)
2 passport size photographs with white background and bareheaded, the paper does not heat
Medical certificate or stamp duty (and photocopy), with a photograph, whose date no earlier than 6 months, issued by a doctor in Article 0119 of the Highway Code
If the medical certificate does not have the photo, and the request is not made by the interested party must be accompanied by a photo authenticated. If this is the person concerned to submit the application, proceed to the authentication of the photo directly
o For non-EU citizens:
residence permit or residence permit
o For EU citizens:
residence permit, required by Article 2 of the DPR n.54/02
or license issued by the third country in the EU:
document with the seal of a translation of the foreign license. The conformity of the foreign text translation must be certified by the Representation in Italy that the State which issued the license. This certificate must be validated by the Prefecture
o If the request is submitted for your interest:
Delegation on plain paper of the person making the request
A photocopy of an identification document of interest
Offices of the Land Transport Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation
* Fill in 746 sales offices TT
* Self-certification on plain paper stating their head office in Italy
* Receipt of payment of € 14.62 in the c / c 4028
* Receipt of payment of € 9.00 to c / c 9001
driver's license (in view)
* If, according to Italian law, the license has expired, it must be a medical certificate with the stamp duty (and photocopy), with a photograph, whose date no earlier than 6 months, issued by a doctor in the art . 119 of the Highway Code.
If the medical certificate does not have the photo, and the request is not made by the interested party must be accompanied by a photo authenticated. If this is the person concerned to submit the application, proceed to the authentication of the shot from the door
* For non-EU citizens in possession of licenses issued by States of the European Union:
residence permit or residence permit.
* If the request is submitted for your interest:
Delegation or plain paper to the person making the request
or photocopy of an identification document of interest
* SNM (Medicolegal Section) territorial jurisdiction
* The basic services of health sector
* Ministry of Health
* State Railways
* Military S.p.E.
* State Police
* National Council VV.FF.
* Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
For licenses issued by States of the European Union is advisable to seek an alternative, the conversion or recognition of validity (for example, to simplify the procedures for renewal or duplicate license.)
The conversion is issuing a new license to the Italian foreign correspondent.
The award is to issue a coupon to be applied on foreign license.
The conversion is only possible for the following licenses issued by foreign governments, with which Italy has established reciprocal relationships (at 01/09/2006):
Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Philippines, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta , Morocco, Moldova, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Monaco, Portugal, Czech Republic, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Slovak Republic, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia , Turkey, Hungary.
CONVERSION allowing only certain categories of citizens
Canada (diplomatic and consular staff)
Chile (diplomatic personnel and their families)
United States (diplomatic personnel and their families)
Zambia (citizens in government mission and their families)
Offices of the Land Transport Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation
Compile * TT model 2112 (which is available at the Offices)
Proof of payment of € 29.24 in the c / c 4028
Proof of payment of € 9.00 to c / c 9001
foreign driving license (given)
2 passport size photographs with white background and bareheaded, the paper does not heat
Medical certificate or stamp duty (and photocopy), with a photograph, whose date no earlier than 6 months, issued by a doctor in Article 0119 of the Highway Code
If the medical certificate does not have the photo, and the request is not made by the interested party must be accompanied by a photo authenticated. If this is the person concerned to submit the application, proceed to the authentication of the photo directly
o For non-EU citizens:
residence permit or residence permit
o For EU citizens:
residence permit, required by Article 2 of the DPR n.54/02
or license issued by the third country in the EU:
document with the seal of a translation of the foreign license. The conformity of the foreign text translation must be certified by the Representation in Italy that the State which issued the license. This certificate must be validated by the Prefecture
o If the request is submitted for your interest:
Delegation on plain paper of the person making the request
A photocopy of an identification document of interest
Offices of the Land Transport Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation
* Fill in 746 sales offices TT
* Self-certification on plain paper stating their head office in Italy
* Receipt of payment of € 14.62 in the c / c 4028
* Receipt of payment of € 9.00 to c / c 9001
driver's license (in view)
* If, according to Italian law, the license has expired, it must be a medical certificate with the stamp duty (and photocopy), with a photograph, whose date no earlier than 6 months, issued by a doctor in the art . 119 of the Highway Code.
If the medical certificate does not have the photo, and the request is not made by the interested party must be accompanied by a photo authenticated. If this is the person concerned to submit the application, proceed to the authentication of the shot from the door
* For non-EU citizens in possession of licenses issued by States of the European Union:
residence permit or residence permit.
* If the request is submitted for your interest:
Delegation or plain paper to the person making the request
or photocopy of an identification document of interest
* SNM (Medicolegal Section) territorial jurisdiction
* The basic services of health sector
* Ministry of Health
* State Railways
* Military S.p.E.
* State Police
* National Council VV.FF.
* Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
The blog is very good!